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August Newsletter


Updated: Jan 7

As is the usual, there is a lot of activity happening on the CSA Long Range.

Ray Weitzel runs the Long Range League shoots every Monday evening starting at 5:30. This league moves to Saturday mornings during the winter. Long Range League is open to members and non-members who are Long Range Qualified. If you are new to CSA or want to get into long range shooting and are not yet Long Range Qualified, reach out to Ray to partake in the mentorship program and get your Long Range Qualification.

Jeff Noonan ran the Bench Rest Program which just wrapped their 2024 season up. There were some changes to Bench Rest this year, moving from the International Bench Rest organization to Freedom Bench Rest as the sanctioning body, and planning 3 “double header” match weekends instead of 6 individual matches. There was also a Tactical Division introduced. The tactical division requires shooters to use a rifle fed from a detachable magazine and allows them to shoot from a front bipod/bag and rear bag. This new division is a great opportunity for the many CSA Long Range members shooting factory or semi-custom rifles to partake in the Bench Rest matches. If this interests you, be on the lookout for the 2025 Bench Rest schedule to come out this winter.

CSA’s Precision Rifle program teamed up with WI PRC again this year to run 7 matches starting in March through September. These are also Sanctioned PRS matches, to earn point in the PRS Great Lakes Regional Series. The next match is August 17th. Registration is open to anyone on the WI PRC website, or plan to just come out to the range and spectate.

Jon Kaiser started the Precision 22 program last summer and is well into a successful second season. Precision 22 is similar to Precision Rifle but using 22LR instead of centerfire. Most of these matches are NRL22 sanctioned matches with most of the targets between 25 and 100 yards. Competitors can use either a bolt or semi-automatic rifle (many 10-22s are used) with an optic with adjustable turrets. The next match is August 24th. Sign up in Practiscore ahead of time, or show up the morning of the match to register in person or just watch.

All of these programs would not be possible without the continued and dedicated support of the program directors and the many CSA volunteers that assist to run these events. A special thanks to all of these volunteers that create these many fun and exciting shooting opportunities at CSA.

Brian Cisar

Long Range Director

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