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2024 Work Hour Opportunities


Updated: Jan 7

We are so thankful for all of our volunteers that help CSA with events and grounds maintenance. If you are wondering how you can help then you are in the right place. Below we have a list of several volunteer opportunities. We have both Event Opportunities and Range Projects (scroll down). We look forward to seeing you!

CSA Event Work Opportunities

The following is a list of Events available for opportunities to put in hours for the work fulfillment discount.

Freedom Benchrest

(Formerly IBS) Freedom Benchrest will be holding their matches on consecutive Saturdays and Sundays. 3 weekends over 3 different months. 6 matches in total. This presents a different challenge for filling the necessary positions to run the matches, particularly on Sundays. We are looking at having 5 people to work at each match. You get large chunks of your work fulfilment credited when you work these.

The schedule is as follows:

July No Matches

August 3 and 4

Contact Jeff

Wisconsin Precision Rifle Steel Challenge (PRS)

There are 6 matches remaining this season. We host these matches, meaning the RO’s, spotters and scorers are provided by the group organizing the match, however we set up the course of fire and remove it and restore the range for club use upon completion of each match. This is where we need your help.

We need 3 members to help set up each match on the Friday before a match and 3 to help take it down and restore the range for our use upon completion of each match. Set up normally begins at 1pm on Fridays and takedown starts when the match concludes, about 2:30 or later depending on the number of shooters.

The remaining match schedule is:

July 13, July 12 set up.

August 17, August 16 set up

September 14, September 13 set up.

Contact Brian Cisar:

CSA Range Projects 2024

The following is a list of Range projects we are soliciting your help with. If you want to get your work fulfillment hours completed, here’s your avenue for doing so.

Decorative Planting

We are looking for someone to put decorative, low maintenance plants underneath the Sign on the club grounds near the fence on the Breyer Road frontage. There are also a pair of solar lights on the post for illuminating the sign that needs attention.

Contact Club Secretary Beth Schabert

Short Range Remodel

Club President Larry Haseman emailed all of you recently regarding this large project. Nine members have responded and expressed their willingness to help with the fencing and tree removal. Additional help would be appreciated and necessary as this project progresses.

Get in touch with Larry and let him know how you will be able to contribute.


Retaining Wall

We need a retaining wall to prevent rain and dirt washing into our septic tank. Stackable masonry block? Wooden timbers? Will a tank riser work? We aren’t sure. We’d love to have someone who is sure to complete this project.

Contact Larry


Sump Pump Drainage Line

The existing line runs along the South side of the clubhouse. The drain line is broken is several places and doesn’t have a continuous decline. It needs to be replaced.

Contact Larry


Safety Walls

We need two safety walls constructed. They need to be two sided and filled with material that will prevent a bullet from passing completely through. The favored material right now is pea gravel. It will drain well and stop errant projectiles.

Trap 3 Ribbon Replacement

We plan on replacing the old concrete ribbons at Trap 3 with a solid pad. Jeff has received bids, and this project will commence when conditions and schedules permit. There will be work opportunities pre and post pour. Sponsorship opportunities are available. This is a great opportunity to get your name etched in concrete and show your support for the founding sport of this club.

Contact Jeff Kahn

Split Rail Fencing

We want to install Split Rail fencing on the South and West side of the Trap Field. We expect to be able to do this after the new concrete ribbon is poured at Trap 3.

Contact Jeff Kahn

Other Long-Range Projects

Extend Safety Railing on West side of Long-Range Pavilion.

Spread grass seed on Long Range berms.

Contact Brian Cisar


Please contact our Work Coordinator with any questions or to report your work hours at

Dean Fuller CSA member Work Coordinator

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