Time & Location
Apr 01, 2023, 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Columbus, W10924 Breyer Rd, Columbus, WI 53925, USA
About the event
Students will learn the fundamentals to safely use the Long Range and engage targets at distances up to 600 yards. Learn about long range rifle setups, rifle and bullet ballistics, wind reading, and engaging targets at longer distances in a classroom setting. A Range proficiency test will be completed on the range following the classroom portion. Upon completion of the course, the student will be CSA Long Range Qualified.
There is a $50 one-time-fee to be CSA Long Range Qualified. The course is free. Anyone who is already long range qualified through the mentoring process or desires a refresher on the material is encouraged to attend the training class.
Registration for the class is required. Please contact Brian Cisar at cisar.brian@gmail.com to register for the class. There must be a minimum class size of 4 registered by March 26th or the class will be cancelled.
Materials needed for the class:
- Pad of paper or notebook
- Calculator
- Pencil & Pen
- A rifle that will shoot 1” or smaller groups at 100 yards with a 100 yard zero
- Less than 30 caliber center fire rifle .223/5.56 can be successful out to 600 yards but can be challenging, especially with the lighter bullet weights most often available.
- A scope on that rifle that can be adjusted of windage and elevation out to 600 yards
- Enough ammo to complete the course. 20-50 rounds for most shooters. (must be of the same brand and type of factory ammo or same load if hand loads) No armor piercing or steel core bullets.
- Front and rear rest (bags, bipods, other rifle rests)
- Eye and Ear Protection
Tentative Class Itinerary:
8:00 to 9:00 - class participants may arrive early to confirm rifle zero if needed
9:00 to 11:30 - classroom portion of the training
11:30 to 12:00 - break for lunch and informal questions/ discussion
12:00 to 2:00 - regroup in classroom, review range safety before moving to long range for shooting
Contact Brian Cisar for information or with any questions at (920) 296-2832 or cisar.brian@gmail.com